Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Ok, I'll be the first to admit it......I Love watching QVC. And, this is the best month to watch it. The gifts, the toys and best of all.....the FOOD!!! Have you seen the food they try and sell you? My mom and I watched QVC selling food for 3 hours this past Saturday. We were glued to the TV. Those Nathan's hot dogs sure looked good. How cute are those tiny weenies in a bun? Then, Corky's Ribs. I've never had a rib in my life, but this guy Corky makes them look so good. Very mouthwatering! And, the best for last is.....Mrs. Prindables. She sells those Carmel apples and Carmel pretzel rods. Man, do they look good. Man, are they expensive! $10.47 for shipping 8 apples?? The bad thing is I have braces and I can't eat Carmel right now. It's such a bummer! I can't wait till I get my braces off so my mom can order me some Mrs. Prindables. Good ole' Mrs. Prindable was on again tonight. The QVC host stood next to her the entire hour stirring that pot of Carmel. I was drooling all over my dinner plate. Have you ever ordered anything from QVC? Let me know what was good.
p.s. here's an update on the wagon trail from my classroom...... My daughter and I were floating down the river while we were bathing. The current got strong and we were yelling for help to get out and no one heard us. I was strong enough to pull myself out of the water but sadly my daughter, Betty, died. I'll let you know what happens to us tomorrow.
Send me your comments!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Turkey Week
We didn't have school on Wednesday so I went to my Grandma's house to help her prepare stuff for Thanksgiving dinner. I peeled potatoes, cut the ends off the green beans and helped set the table. On Thursday we enjoyed a very nice dinner with Turkey and all the other foods you would expect. My little cousins (Shelby and Hunter) didn't eat too much turkey. They mainly ate rolls and waited until dessert for cookies. Taylor just drank her bottle.
I got to spend time today with my other cousins. We had breakfast with my Nana at First Watch. I had a big chocolate chip pancake and bacon. It was yummy. I played with my cousins this afternoon and now am home with my pajamas on watching QVC. Have you ever seen how much food they try to sell you????? My Mommy promised me that as soon as I get my braces off she's ordering some of those Mrs. Prindables chocolate caramel pretzels for me. Yum-O! I can't wait to get my braces off!!!!!!!!!
I'll have plenty to blog about in the next few weeks - a show by the Radio City Rockettes that I will go to with my best friend Rachel and her little sister Jenna, the Nutcracker with my Grandma it will be my 8th year. And a Christmas Tree lighting ceremony with my 4th grade classmates. We'll be singing Christmas carols.
Now, this weeks football picks:
Maryland vs. Boston College - I will pick Boston College
Georgia Tech vs. Georgia - I am pulling for the Dawggies
Florida vs. Florida State - I love my Dad so I will pick Florida
Oklahoma vs. Oklahoma State - OU is favored so I will pick them
Notre Dame vs. USC - Not a hard pick here - USC
How was your Thanksgiving? Did you eat lots of turkey? Leave me a comment and let me know
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Wagon Trains and Wolverines
Wagon Train
Last week we found out that our next project in 4th grade was going to be a pretend wagon train. My wagon train group is Zach, Dana, Maria, Alex F., J.T. and me. We are pretending we are a family from New York in the late 1700's. We are travelling to Symmes Purchase, Ohio. I am the "wagon master."
Our characters are named Norm, Betty, Marian, James, John and I am playing Lisa. I am the mother of John and Betty and I am married to Norm. Marian is the Grandma. James is a farmer who joined us for the ride.
There's a New Kid in Town
Last week we got a new student in our class. His name is J.T.
Extra Duties
This week has been busy. I got to be a DEAR monitor in Mrs. Fox's class. DEAR stands for "drop everything and read." I also had a student council meeting today. We talked about our next Spirit Day and a food drive that we will have before Christmas. We will give the food we collect to the Mid-Ohio Food Bank.
I also had our second meeting of our lunch time book club. Mrs. Edwards, our librarian, is in charge. We are reading Geek Chic. It's about a girl named Zoey. We haven't read much yet.
Dental Drama
I am excited that on December 15th (less than a month) I will get my palette expander removed. Dr. Marshall says my teeth are coming together nicely.
Pigskin Predictions
After doing pretty good with pro games a few weeks ago, I am back to picking college games this week. The games I am picking this week are:
- Michigan vs. Ohio State
- NC State vs. North Carolina
- Tennessee vs. Vanderbilt
- Michigan State vs. Penn State
- Texas Tech vs. Oklahoma
Michigan stinks this year (sorry Micah). I am going with my home town Buckeyes to win this game.
I think they will be happy in Chapel Hill - North Carolina wins
Vandy sounds dandy.
Dad says Penn State is favored so I am going with them.
Texas Tech and Oklahoma? I don't know who is going to win this one. Dad says there is a "lot on the line." I think I'll go with the home team - Oklahoma in a close one.
I hope everyone who goes to the game this weekend - including my Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Kevin - all stay warm. I'll be in my Buckeye sweatshirt in front of the fireplace.
Go Bucks! BOO Michigan!!!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
It's Cold...I'm Bored...It's Saturday
It has been a busy week and it won't end until tomorrow afternoon with my cousin Taylor's baptism.
This week we had our Parent Teacher conferences and I had to lead the discussion. It was fun but I was kind of nervous. Mrs. Lobao was very helpful and my parents didn't ask me too many questions.
We also did our Indian power point presentations. My teammates were Alayna and Maria. It was about the Mingo Tribe that we have been studying.
I forgot to pick football games last weekend because I was recovering from my awesome trick-or-treat on Halloween. I ended up with 179 pieces of candy. I think my favorite kind is either Whoppers malted milk balls or Kit Kats.
This week I am going to try my picking skills with NFL games. Here goes:
Tennessee vs. Chicago
Seattle vs. Miami
Jacksonville vs. Detroit
Indianapolis vs. Pittsburgh
NY Giants vs. Philadelphia
I really like visiting the city of Chicago but I think the Tennessee Titans will like visiting Chicago too. I am picking the Titans to remain undefeated.
I will pick the favored Miami Dolphins
My dad says Jacksonville has been underachievers this year. They even lost to the winless Bengals last week. This week they play the winless Lions and the Jags will find a way to keep the Lions winless. I pick Jacksonville.
My uncle Jeff really likes Pittsburgh and my neighbor Jackie really likes the Colts. Family trumps neighbors so I will pick the Steelers.
I will go with the defending Super Bowl champion NY Giants to beat the Eagles in Philadelphia.
Okay, so we'll see how good I am at picking NFL games. Be sure to watch the games and then send me your comments on my selections.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Ryan's Birthday Edition
In honor of my little brother Ryan's birthday (he turns 7 tomorrow), I will be making my football picks in just a second. First, I need to let you know that I scored another goal in last week's game. We won 2-0.
Not much happened in school this week. We did have our first Student Council meeting but it was kind of boring.
I got two of my projects back and scored 100% on both. My "Dear Mr. Henshaw" game was a 50 out of 50 and my Mingo Indian Mound was a 40 out of 40. I almost got 100% in my football picks last week but I missed the Clemson game. Still, 4 out of 5 is pretty good.
Here are the games I am picking this week:
Kentucky vs. Florida
Texas Tech vs. Kansas
Illinois vs. Wisconsin
Georgia vs. LSU
Penn State vs. Ohio State
My mom graduated from Kentucky and I know you all know my Dad went to school at Florida. Sorry Mom but I am going with Dad and his Gators in this one. I still love you though.
My Dad and Uncle Kevin were saying that the Big 12 defenses are pretty lame so I think that Texas Tech will outscore Kansas in a shootout.
Illinois travels to Wisconsin this weekend and will be facing a Badgers team that has lost three in a row. I don;t think they'll lose 4 straight so I will pick Wisconsin.
LSU plays at home after two big road games. (My Dad reminded me that his Gators beat LSU 51-21 two weeks ago). I am tired of hearing about LSU so i will pick the Bulldogs of Georgia.
The big game of the day is right here in Columbus where undefeated, 3rd ranked Penn State will play Ohio State. I just watched Lee Corso on ESPN choose Ohio State and I think he made a good pick. Jim Tressel will have his players dressed and ready to play so I will choose Ohio State.
Next week will be a special Halloween edition of The Riley Register. Please leave me a comment this week and tell me what kind of candy you'll be passing out at your house.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Witchy Weather
This was a busy week at school. We had tests in spelling and math. I think I did well on my spelling test and I'm not so sure about math. I did take my time and double-checked my answers and should find out results next week.
I started working on my next project at school which is to create an Indian mound. We are studying the Mingo Tribe. They are from the Ohio area and they lived up by Steubenville. My Dad and I started the project by mixing flour, salt and water to create a clay-like substance which we formed into our mound. It should be dry today so we can paint it, add grass and trees and other decorations to make it look real.
We didn't have school on Friday because the teachers had something called COTA day. My little wild cousin Shelby came over to play while her sister Taylor had a doctor's appointment.
I will be going to a Halloween party at my friend Alison's house tonight. I am dressing up this year as a witch and my brother, Ryan, will be dressing up as Beanie Wells. He's a football player at Ohio State. Ryan loves to say "beanie."
Now it's time for my weekly football picks. Last week I finished above .500 getting 3 out of 5 correct. Dad says I should have picked his Gators. He got to see them live in person as they beat LSU 51-21.
This week's games will be:
Ohio State vs. Michigan State
Georgia Tech vs. Clemson
Miami vs. Duke
Missouri vs. Texas
LSU vs. South Carolina
I like Ohio State to beat Michigan State on the road.
Clemson will rally around their new coach and beat visiting Georgia Tech
Wow - Hurricanes vs. The Devils? That's a hard one to predict. I think I will go with Miami because I have heard of Miami but have never heard of Duke.
Texas will protect the #1 ranking and beat the Tigers.
I don't see LSU dropping two night games in a row so I will choose the Tigers.
I'll try to take a picture of my Indian mound when it's done and post it on my blog. Gotta run off to soccer practice.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Happy Birthday Daddy
I had a soccer game today. It was very hot and we were in full sun. Only 12 girls showed up. I think I am coming down with my little brothers cold so that made it hard for me to run so much today.

Hope you had a fun Sunday! I did.
p.s. Happy Birthday Daddy! 41 huh? WOW!
Friday, October 10, 2008
This Weekend's Pigskin Picks
Texas vs. Oklahoma
Purdue vs. Ohio State
Notre Dame vs. North Carolina
Penn State vs. Wisconsin
LSU vs. Florida
In the Red River Rivalry I think The Sooners will protect their #1 ranking and beat the Longhorns
I picked against the Buckeyes last week but I won't do that two weeks in a row. Especially when they get to play at home. OSU wins against Purdue.
North Carolina is having a good season so far so I will choose the Tar Heels. Also, we have to drive through North Carolina on our way to Hilton Head each summer.
I'll go with Penn State because they are undefeated.
My mommy and I are tired of "boy weekends" and seeing as my Dad will be in "The Swamp" on Saturday night, I am picking LSU to win. It will be better if Florida wins so Dad won't be in a bad mood when he comes home.
That's it for this weekend. Be sure to check back next week for an update or send me who you think will win these games. If you guess all five right, I'll put your name in my blog next time.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Busy Week At Windermere!
On Sunday I had my soccer game. My team played the other Windermere team. We tied 1 - 1.
Monday was my first day of DEAR Monitoring. That means "Drop Everything And Read." Maria Caradonna and I are monitoring in Mr. Voldrich's class. We have to make sure the 2nd graders are reading their books. Sometimes we have to help them with words they don't know.
My little brother and I both have spelling tests on Friday. Lucky Ryan, he has easy words I have tricky 4th grade words. Some of my words are critic, access, eggplant and angle.
My school is trying to Toss Out Diabetes by having the students buy tickets and they can choose any teacher they want to throw a pie at. They then put their raffle ticket into a tub for the specific teacher. Friday we will have everyone go to the cafeteria and then a staff member will pull tickets out of each teachers tub. The student's name that is on the ticket gets to throw a pie in their favorite teachers face.
In class we started to study Ohio Indians. I have to study the Mingo tribe.
Well it's getting late so I better go. Make sure to send me your comments because I really like to hear from my readers.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
School Games and Football Games
Hi everyone. It was a busy week for me this past week. We had a project at school and everyone had to create a game of some kind that was about a book we read. The book was called Dear Mr. Henshaw and it was written by Beverly Cleary.
My game was a version of Jeopardy so the players have to answer the questions by using a question. It was fun playing it even though most people didn't answer in the form of a question.
My mom was a big help with my project and she even read the book so she could help me with my game. Mom said she didn't like the ending of the book.
It's the Weekend
I am excited it is the weekend now. We got to go out for pizza last night with my Grandma and Grandpa and then I went to a friends house to watch a movie. Today I have soccer practice and then we have a game tomorrow.
Last week we won our soccer game 7-1 and I scored a goal. I hope I can score again this weekend.
Football Picks
Last week I only got two games right so I'll try to do better this week. Here are the games I will pick winners in:
South Carolina at Mississippi
Auburn at Vanderbilt
Florida State at Miami
Oregon at Southern Cal
Ohio State at Wisconsin
I will pick Mississippi to win. They beat my dad's favorite team last week.
I'm not sure why but I will pick Auburn to win this game.
I choose Miami to beat their rival Florida State.
Southern California is favored to win by 16 points. That is a lot so I will pick the Trojans.
I'll go with Wisconsin to win (even though I am cheering for the Buckeyes).
Bye for now,
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Apple Picking and Pigskin Picking
It's been a while since my last post. I have been busy and my Dad has been out of town so he wasn't here to help me.
My family just spent the morning at Lynd's Fruit Farm near Pataskala, Ohio. We picked two bags full of Red and Golden Delicious apples. My little brother Ryan liked climbing the apple trees and tossing down ripe ones from the top. We also got some apple cider. I don't like the red apples as much as the yellow ones.
I picked apples this morning so I think it's funny that I am going to pick football winners now. Here are the games I will choose this weekend:
- Arkansas at Texas
- Wisconsin at Michigan
- Colorado vs. Florida State
- Alabama at Georgia
- Virginia Tech at Nebraska
I will pick Texas to win in the first game.
I am picking Michigan to win against Wisconsin. My Dad says this would be an upset if it happens.
I like the Buffaloes of Colorado to beat the Seminoles of Florida State
Georgia will beat the team from Alabama
Nebraska will win against Virginia Tech
I don't know how much football I'll be able to watch today. I am on my way to get new cleats for soccer and then I will be working on a school project.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Wow! What a Week

Saturday, September 6, 2008
Riley's Picks - Week 2
Here are this week's games:
Ohio vs. Ohio State - In the battle of Ohio, I pick The Buckeyes
Minnesota vs. Bowling Green - I like Bowling Green to win
Cincinnati vs. Oklahoma - I'm going to go with OU to clobber UC.
Stanford vs. Arizona State - I think the Sun Devils of ASU will win
Miami vs. Florida - Florida should win
My little brother Ryan is going to the Ohio State game today with my Mom. I hope they have fun. If you're going to the game, be sure to stop by The Schott and see all the Brutus statues. You'll be glad you did.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Riley's Pigskin Picks Update
I promised I would update you on my football picks from last week. I got 3 games right out of 5. My dad says that's not bad for a fourth grader but I will try and do a better job of picking the winners this Friday.
Here's who won each game:
Ohio State beat Youngstown State. I was there so maybe I was lucky for the Buckeyes. It was a bit hot so I left early.
Utah beat Michigan.
Florida beat Hawaii. My dad was excited but was mad the game wasn't on TV.
Missouri beat Illinois.
Alabama beat Clemson. I was going to pick Alabama but I changed my mind at the last minute. Too bad or I would have gotten 4 right.
How did you do in your picks? I hope your favorite team won.
Be sure to check back later this week to see which games I will be picking.
PS My dad says you can add your email to the box on the left and you will receive an email each time I add to my blog. Be sure to ask your Mom & Dad if you can enter their email address if you don't have one of your own.
They have a bunch of them and they are right outside The Schottenstein Center (where the Ohio State basketball teams play). Each Brutus statue is dressed up like someone famous. Some of them are... Super Brutus, Tin Man Brutus, The "King" Brutus, and a bunch of others.
This post is titled Peace, Love, & Go Bucks for a reason. There is a super cool Brutus and that is............. Hippie Brutus. I think he is my favorite.
So next time you're heading over to the game, maybe take a few minutes and walk around The Schott to check out all the Brutuses. You won't be sorry!
Check out a short slide show of some of my favorite Brutuses. After watching, let me know which one is your favorite.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Welcome to Gameday
- Youngstown State at Ohio State - I pick The Buckeyes
- Utah vs. Michigan - Even though I don't like them, I am going to pick Michigan
- Hawaii vs. Florida - Just because my Dad likes the Gators, I will pick Florida
- Illinois vs. Missouri - I am going with Missouri
- Alabama vs. Clemson - I am not sure why but I am picking Clemson

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Today in class we plan to work on our mini me's. We're working on the heads today.
Friday is going to be exciting because the Buckeyes are going to play and every one gets to dress up in Buckeyes stuff. Be sure to check back on Friday because I will try to predict the score of this game and a few others. My dad is very excited that college football season is here.
All for now...I'm off to school.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Summer's Over, School Begins
School for us started on Wednesday August 20th.My teacher is Mrs.Lobao she is really cool. Right now were working on miniature models of ourselves. Mrs.Lobao calls them Mini Me's. This is alot of fun to create a miniature model of myself.
We had an assembly where we got to meet our new Principal, Mr. Scarpetti.
We also had some extra recess but that probably will not last much longer because we are going to be very busy.
Check back later to see how my first full week went!!