In early December the 4th grade class from Windermere Elementary was invited to be the featured singers at the Upper Arlington Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony. It was very cold that night but there were lots of families there to watch us sing. My dad even recorded it on his Flip video camera. Check out this video from YouTube of our class singing our school song - We Are The Hawks led by our music teacher Mrs. Dulcamp.
It was a great Christmas here at the Carpenter house. We got to celebrate three times. First was the Carpenter Family Christmas party where my Nana, aunts and uncles and 5 cousins came over to eat pizza, play and exchange gifts. I some gift cards for Barnes and Noble and The American Girl store and Justice and some body lotion too.
On Christmas Day I hit the jackpot with some Nintendo DS games, a pink Rip Stick (skateboard), stuff for my American Girl dolls, Calico Critters, a rock painting kit and the really fun game called Pictureka.
Later that day we went to my grandparents house and I got new pajamas, an American Girl designing kit, a Kit Kittredge CD and my new Nintendo DS . I also got some really cool mini-martini glasses that my American Girl dolls really like.

It was an awesome Christmas. Thanks everyone...especially Santa!
Then it was time for New Years Eve. I stayed up until midnight with my Dad watching football and then we watched the ball drop. We saw Taylor Swift (and her ex-boyfriend Joe Jonas) on Dick Clark's Rockin' Eve.
Then it was 2009 and we had to watch lots of football. My dad had knee surgery so he was "King of the Remote" for a whole week. If it wasn't football, my little brother Ryan was hogging the TV for Nintendo Wii.
It was back to school on January 5th and I know one person who was excited for us to be back in school. You guessed Mom. We got back on track with Mrs. Lobao's help with math, spelling and our new section on government.
Our new project is about famous Ohioans. We will study the people we have been assigned and learn about them so we can prepare a biography about them. It will all wrap up in February when our parents and guests can come in to the school and see our "real life" displays of our heroes.
Among the famous Ohioans are John Glenn, Jack Nicklaus, Archie Griffin, Doris Day and the person I was assigned to learn about - Annie Oakley. Stay tuned to The Riley Register and I'll let you know what I learn about this gun totin', horse ridin' sureshot.
I hope you're all staying warm.
PS Send me your comments and let me know what your coolest Christmas gifts were.