Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Over the weekend My mom and I went to the Ohio State Game. On the way to the game you are very likely to see the Parade Of Brutuses!!!

They have a bunch of them and they are right outside The Schottenstein Center (where the Ohio State basketball teams play). Each Brutus statue is dressed up like someone famous. Some of them are... Super Brutus, Tin Man Brutus, The "King" Brutus, and a bunch of others.

This post is titled Peace, Love, & Go Bucks for a reason. There is a super cool Brutus and that is............. Hippie Brutus. I think he is my favorite.

So next time you're heading over to the game, maybe take a few minutes and walk around The Schott to check out all the Brutuses. You won't be sorry!

Check out a short slide show of some of my favorite Brutuses. After watching, let me know which one is your favorite.



Anonymous said...

Good Morning Riley,
I think that they are all really neat. However, my favorite is Coach Tressel Brutus. It looks exctly like him.Oh and by the way, you looked really cute in all the pic's also.

Love You,
Aunt Carol

Anonymous said...

Super Brutus is my favorite. Your pose next to the Statue of Liberty Brutus was pretty funny & cute. Looks like you had fun there on Saturday.

Love, Aunt Shannon

Anonymous said...

I like the Cheryls Cookies Brutus.

Rachel :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Riley,
I liked the Statue of Liberty Brutus as that is the one that made me laugh the most.... You looked so darn cute !!!!
Love, Gram