Thursday, October 9, 2008

Busy Week At Windermere!

Sorry it's been a while. It's just been really busy at school. Anyway let me bring you up on life in 4th grade.

On Sunday I had my soccer game. My team played the other Windermere team. We tied 1 - 1.

Monday was my first day of DEAR Monitoring. That means "Drop Everything And Read." Maria Caradonna and I are monitoring in Mr. Voldrich's class. We have to make sure the 2nd graders are reading their books. Sometimes we have to help them with words they don't know.

My little brother and I both have spelling tests on Friday. Lucky Ryan, he has easy words I have tricky 4th grade words. Some of my words are critic, access, eggplant and angle.

My school is trying to Toss Out Diabetes by having the students buy tickets and they can choose any teacher they want to throw a pie at. They then put their raffle ticket into a tub for the specific teacher. Friday we will have everyone go to the cafeteria and then a staff member will pull tickets out of each teachers tub. The student's name that is on the ticket gets to throw a pie in their favorite teachers face.

In class we started to study Ohio Indians. I have to study the Mingo tribe.

Well it's getting late so I better go. Make sure to send me your comments because I really like to hear from my readers.


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